Pacing in the business environment

Author: Miguel Geli


As an executive, one of my main preoccupations was to be responsive, and super-efficient, not to hold things up for others. I wish I had then appreciated the power of pacing.

Pacing our responses to internal and external stimuli, allows us to take a moment, to evaluate the situation from different perspectives. In a world that is fast-paced, ever-changing, and troubled by major shocks, this may seem counterintuitive. 

However, pacing allows you to take control of your thoughts and feelings, and not default to what you already know. 

It helps you find new ways of looking at the issue, looking for the positive in the worst of situations, and to bring other stakeholders along on the journey, creating buy-in for the way forward.

At Global Coaching Delivered, we believe that pacing is a key element in reaching your individual potential and a great stepping stone to becoming a mindful leader.