Team Coaching
In a team orientated organisation, right-skilled teams with a compelling purpose are the single best unit to bring about sustainable change and improvement to bring the business forward.
Given our current business reality with the complexity, pace, and breadth of tasks that organisations now need to carry out concurrently across the world, the concept of a singular individual business champion is difficult to reconcile with today’s workplace. “The challenge is the change in roles of both leader and team members having been reshaped in the cauldron of intense competition and relentless change “. (Ruth Wageman)
Well-structured high-performing teams not only sustainably support their organisational goals, they also noticeably outperform what any one executive could individually achieve. They create and maintain an organizational environment in which good executives become a part of a great team.
Our approach
Richard Hackman spent his life studying team dynamics and identified three criteria to ensure successful outcomes for teams, namely 1) are they achieving expected goals, 2) do they facilitate individual growth, and 3) is the team cohesive, i.e., is the team working as a unit.
To achieve the above criteria, 5 key foundational principles are assessed, i.e., it is important that the team is given a clear mission and that team has internal clarity on its purpose, team KPI’s, objectives and roles. Further, the extent in which interpersonal and team dynamics allow for joint responses to current challenges and collective strategies to move the business forward is key. In addition, consideration needs to be given to how effectively the team connects with all its stakeholder groupings. And finally, the team needs to coordinate and consolidate reflecting learning and integrate this.
Our approach is based on measuring the current state along those 5 foundational principles as well as reviewing the desired future state. In addition, the psychological safety within the team is assessed as this is key to developing the team.
The program structure
An initial 60-minute review is conducted with the team sponsor or leader to understand key objectives. Following this, individual team members participate in 30-minute interviews and are then invited to participate in answering a 15-minute questionnaire which will form the basis of our diagnostics.
The results of the diagnostics are reviewed initially with the team sponsor/leader and subsequently with the collective team. Subsequently an action plan is established, and the team coach then accompanies and supports the team on this journey for an agreed time.
The program is delivered by Zoom unless otherwise desired and agreed.
All work is done under the most up to date EMCC code of conduct.
How to get the most out of the program
To ensure that the team coaching program is successful it is important to get beyond the fact that the members get along well and have efficient meetings. Teams can only be successful and meaningful if they serve a need beyond themselves and have stakeholders that need them to deliver something beyond what the team members can achieve working individually. The team coaching effort needs to therefore service the relationships between these parties and create a shared value for their stakeholders.
In addition, there needs to be focus on the unrealised potential in all parties and support the dynamic co-creation between the team and its environment.