If the suit fits...

Author: Aodan Coburn


In the final years of my corporate life, I either wore a suit or the standard Media Exec uniform of a plain shirt, a pair of jeans, and a jacket.

Yet when I left that life, for nearly five years after I kept a wardrobe with half a dozen suits. 
 Often, I would visit them determined to clear the space for some other good cause, but I could not bring myself to do so.
For someone who is well known for their de-cluttering ethos and who genuinely gets sheer joy from the process, this could be viewed as a significant failure.
However, at a different level, I was aware that the time would come to donate my corporate uniforms, but I was determined to be patient with myself and take the time needed to be comfortable with the process.
Last week that time came, not driven by the need to free up space, but by the absolute clarity that my future lies not in a corporate entity, but as part of a team of coaches, who try to make the world a better place, one conversation at a time.