Everything comes at a price...

When it comes to making choices that affect us, whether it is in business or our personal life, along with the promise of a better future, comes a cost. To ensure we make the right decision, it is important to calculate the cost of that decision.
Too often, we make decisions, based on the promise primarily, considering that the cost is a temporary discomfort or deferred happiness, as we call it, which will disappear once the promise is fulfilled. However, the temporary nature is often under-estimated and so, weeks become months, months become years, and before we know it, we have lost sight of the true cost of our decision.
And so, business decisions can have a devastating personal cost and likewise, personal decisions can have an impact on our business world which we regret later. At Global Coaching Delivered, we help our clients think through these important – often seemingly impossible - decisions and weigh up the true cost before making a commitment.
Ultimately, every action has a reaction. However, considering what the cost of our reaction is, means inserting a step of reflection in between the action and the reaction. This will ultimately lead to better, more informed decisions and put a stop to deferred happiness!
Photo (c) Brett Jordan on Unsplash