Don't Defer Your Happiness

Author: Aodan Coburn


As an Executive Coach, one of the subjects that often comes up is what I call the Deferral of Happiness.

This is where someone tolerates a difficult situation on the basis, that at some point things will change for the better ...

and it will be ultimately worth the pain they are currently enduring.

That can be an extended commute that perhaps keeps someone apart from their family for days or weeks at a time, or perhaps enduring a boss whose management style is perilously close to outright bullying.

Although every situation is different, these are often characterised by an underestimation of the personal cost both for the client and their loved ones, the ongoing stress of not knowing when and if it will end coupled with no guarantee that the next situation will actually be better.

Given this, we counsel our clients to think deeply before accepting any deferral and to only do so where it is for a limited amount of time with clear and measurable actions to address.

Ultimately any transaction where the only guaranteed outcomes are negative ones is difficult to recommend and should not be embraced lightly.

We dove deeper into the concept of deferring your happiness and what you can do about it in this roundtable discussion on the heels of our recent business trip stateside which marked the first time in almost three years (!!) that we've been together in the same room.

You can watch the video HERE.

I wanted to share this timely conversation with you today given the volatile environment we are finding ourselves in.

If after watching it, you have questions, please connect with me personally.