A Lifetime Of Learning

A few weeks ago, I attended the last few classes of a Masters Of Science course, that I have committed myself to over the last few years.
There are still papers to be delivered and assignments to be graded and I will not tempt faith by celebrating too soon. However, as a mature student, I have been stunned by the sheer joy of learning and the value of being with like-minded people, whose varied journeys brought us together, at a moment in time.
My previous experiences of education, having been primarily about preparing for the workplace and presenting as myself "employable" as possible.
This new experience, where the focus was on areas of real and deep interest to me, made even better by being shared with like-minded people, has been truly wonderful.
Where ongoing educational opportunities arise, I now counsel my clients to take them, and where they are not yet available I suggest that they challenge their organisations to make them so.