What's Your Failure Allowance

I was working with a client who felt like she couldn’t take the steps she wanted in a new career path because she was afraid, she might be embarrassed.
She thought if she followed her passion and things didn’t work out her family, friends and co-workers would think less of her.
Of course, I asked, “How would you feel if you didn’t move forward?”
“Well, that would be worse.”
I asked, “If you gave yourself an allowance to fail, a number of missteps you could make, what would that number be?”
“Well, I think 30 would be a good number.” I saw her mood lighten.
“What if you used that allowance in your description to friends and family when you described what you’re up to?”
“I could say, I’m pursuing this path that I’m really excited about, and I know I am going to have failures along the way, so, don’t worry about me when you see that happen. I’ve made mistakes before, and I always bounce back.”
We moved to create an action plan.
What fears are holding you back?