Success Made Simple

Author: Aodan Coburn


During my corporate career I often participated in what were called “open doors", an invitation would go out weekly to all the staff to join one of six, twenty-minute, one-on-one meetings with myself.

Attendees came from every level and any part of the company, it was genuinely an incredibly positive experience for both myself and I hope, for the attendees.

The value of a focused one-on-one dialogue cannot be overstated and always after such an engagement my relationship with the attendee was utterly transformed through this simple shared experience.

Discussions were mostly focused on the market, our place within it and the rational around upcoming key initiatives, it was a wonderful feedback loop, which I enjoyed immensely.

Occasionally I would be asked what was the "secret" was to achieving executive success, although I did not consider myself necessarily qualified to answer, I did over time develop the following principles.

  1. Work hard, organise yourself bring your best game every day. 
  2. Good Manners, be courteous, respectful kind and listen to others.
  3. Say what you'll do and do what you say!

Finally, it always helps to be thoughtful about your career and where future opportunities may arise, join an organisation whose culture and values reflects your own, then embrace the principle that opportunity is a function of performance, and you won't go far wrong!