Team Excellence Defined

Author: Miguel Geli


Do you trust your colleagues, respect them, and feel free to be yourself at work?  

If so, chances are that you work in a team with a high level of psychological safety and you can openly talk about work and interpersonal issues.
Such teams allow for greater learning and with a commitment to excellence, they will be more effective and innovative.  

Amy Edmondson, professor at Harvard Business School and a global expert on this topic, affiliated with Harvard, suggests that as leaders, we should practice the following three rules to engender psychological safety:

•    Frame “work” as a learning problem (engage everyone)
•    Acknowledge your own fallibility (ask for help)
•    Be curious (ask a lot of questions)

For companies, the current volatile environment presents an opportunity to review cultural dimensions or traits and link these to performance.

By utilizing best-in-class assessment tools, specific cultural dimensions or traits are measured and can then be reviewed in terms of performance impact.

Actionable insights are gained regarding the company setup versus its objectives. Measurements in the areas of mission, adaptability, involvement, and consistency enable our clients to determine trade-offs between adapting to their external environment and internal consistency as well as between mission and involvement with their stakeholders.