Companies no longer last 100 years

Author: Miguel Geli


In today’s volatile environment companies no longer last 100 years. Change is constant and it happens quickly.

To be successful organizations must adapt on the fly to the challenges they are facing.

Staying in the comfort zone now poses a threat to a company’s survival. Leaders must steer the ship into an area of learning where these challenges are faced head-on so that growth can occur.

This pushes employees into uncharted territory where fear of the unknown takes over as they experience the growing pains of change which leads to unconscious bias and resistance.

Organizations can support their employees through this phase by active listening, validating their concerns, providing assurance, and exciting the possibility of what awaits once they transcend the fear zone:

  • Personal growth as each employee becomes aware of their own ability to safely adapt to the new environment.
  • Tightly bonded teams because they have grown through the experience together.
  • And ultimately a stronger organization that remains a leader in the marketplace and rewards employees ensuring their continued commitment and loyalty to the company.
Moving through the fear zone is a win for all.